Friday, October 10, 2008

Gettin' Better! - Thanks for Praying!

Hello everyone ..... thank you for all of you that wrote to ask how Getahun is doing. It is indeed a blessing. I just got word from him this morning that he is BETTER! .... and went back to school yesterday!! (huge big deal - he needs to be able to stay in his school). Thanks for praying. Will you continue as he comes to mind? It's difficult being so far apart and not being able to get very lengthy info .... but what a special relief to hear from him again this morning!

Like many of you, we came home with heavy hearts for the orphans remaining in Ethiopia. One of the blessings of adoption is that families are going over and seeing with their own eyes these amazing children. Lord willing, we all can be a voice for them and more of their needs can be met.

I realize we are way overdue on an update and pictures of our little one (who is NOT so little!). She has a dreary cold this week that's now been shared with both myself and one brother thus far. So soon ... we'll get our act together and post some updated photos. She has changed SO much. Quite the little communicator these days. Hopefully we'll all be well in time for special visitors next week!!!


mama becca said...


Anonymous said...

Praise God!

Natalie Fournet said...

So thankful that Getahun is doing better...hope you are feeling better too!

coffeemom said...

I tagged you! My blog has the rules but I miss reading your posts! Love M

Lori S said...

I am so happy to hear that Getahun is feeling better!